Diese quadratische Dose mit ihrem auffälligen rot-weiß gestreiften Design und einer Kaffeetasse samt Kaffeebohnen im Vordergrund ist perfekt für die Aufbewahrung von Tee, Kaffee oder kleinen Geschenken. Ein ideales Produkt für Einzelhändler, die ihren Kunden etwas Praktisches und zugleich Dekoratives bieten möchten, besonders geeignet für Kaffeeliebhaber. Ein stilvolles Must-have in jedem Sortiment.
Product Number
Tin Christmas Forest
150 ml, 11,4 x 6,6 x 12 cm

Product number: 3252869 To product
Cookie-Tin Poinsettie
450 ml, 19 x 7,6 x 12,8 cm

Product number: 66123006 To product
Tin Motor Boating
Tea Storage

Product number: 642286 To product
Tin Hydrangea
100 ml, 7,1 x 9,3 x 7,1 cm

Product number: 4431728 To product
Tin with transparent Lid Tea Time Blue
5,9 x 6,1 x 5,9 cm

Product number: 59463127 To product
Pillbox Beachgirl

Product number: 227371 To product
Tray Culinary Herbs
28 x 3 x 28 cm

Product number: 56112971 To product
Tin Christmas Greetings
100 ml, 8,3 x 11,9 x 5,2 cm

Product number: 6553071 To product
Confectionery Tin Vivendi
10,5 x 3,3 x 10,5 cm

Product number: 2752837 To product
Tin The Old Days
100 ml, 7,1 x 9,3 x 7,1 cm

Product number: 4201728 To product
Flowerpot Dots
10 x 8 x 10 cm

Product number: 313355 To product
Tin Newspaper
50 ml

Product number: 141805 To product
Eggshaped-Tin Hamburg
6,9 x 6,9 x 11,2 cm

Product number: 55363396 To product
Tin Golf Course
250 ml, 8,9 x 15,3 x 8,9 cm

Product number: 4512286 To product
Pillbox Poppy FIelds
5 x 1,5 x 5 cm

Product number: 793223 To product
Here is where our tea is produced

Our Growing Regions

Discover the fascinating tea-growing regions around the world, where different climates and soil conditions produce an impressive variety of tea types. From the misty hills of China and India to the fertile highlands of Sri Lanka and the picturesque plantations of Japan – each growing region shapes the unique flavor and aroma of its teas. Embark on a delightful journey through the world of tea!

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